Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The latest smear against Barack Obama is that his "just words" speech:

was "plagiarized" (gee there's a loaded term) from Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, whom as it turns out is good friends with Obama and who suggested he should use the comparison in his speech.

This is Rovian attack politics 101:

1. Identify the opposition candidate's greatest strength
-Kerry's war record
-Obama's oratorial skill

2. Turn that strength into a weakness by

a. pretending that the candidate is touting it him or herself as a strength.
-e.g. "Kerry isn't really the war hero he says he is" (never mind that he never said it himself)
-Obama is "running on his oratorial skills" (Oh, really?)

b. then undermining the basis for the strength
-Kerry "lied about his war record"
-Obama's "speeches are not his own"

c. associating
that strength with some negative idea and repeating it ad-nauseum in association with the candidate's name.
-Kerry "Lies"
-Obama "plagiarism"

This whole story has been concocted to connect Obama's name with the word "plagiarism". It's Obama's swiftboating. Hillary should be ashamed of herself for taking part in it. This is not what our party represents.

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