Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well, she did it.

In the Texas debate tonight Hillary was actually conned into following the stupid script her handlers wrote and dropped the "change you can Xerox" lead balloon. She didn't even look comfortable saying it.

And now here it comes:


So this plagiarism thing was an unbelieveably stupid exercise in attempted Rovian attack smearing that failed miserably and now lies coughing up blood in a heap on the floor.

How do you feel now Hills?

Interesting though that the very line she ripped from Edwards seems to some pundits to be an indication that she's ready to concede. I don't think so, but if she gets her ass whooped in Texas it'll be closer and if in both Texas and Ohio it's a certainty.

So the skinny is that she's making nice now strategically to either shore up a veep invite or to preserve her chances for 2012 or 2016. The veep thing seems more credible because she'd be challenging an incumbant Obama in 2012 and in 2016 she'll be 68 -young by political standards, but while sexism is fading, it's not gone, and she'll be (to paraphrase Goldie Hawn) well out of "District attorney" and well into "Driving Miss Daisy" by then.

Also I just don't see her "go[ing] gentl[y] into that good night" without some quid pro quo -it's just not her style.

So IMHO Obama won because it was his to lose and he held on without making any big mistakes.

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