Wednesday, June 15, 2005


The results of the Terri Schiavo autopsy are in, and to what should be no one's surprise:

  1. Her brain had atrophied to half the weight of a normal human brain (so she was in fact in a Persistent Vegitative State)
  2. She was blind because the vision centers in her brain were dead (in other words -the video that apparently showed her visually tracking an object was misleading).
  3. She was incapable of ingesting food by mouth as her parents insisted.
  4. She died of dehydration not starvation.
  5. There was no evidence of her ever having been abused.

So just as her husband and over 40 judges having relied on numerous medical examinations had said, she was no longer conscious. Therefore the majority of the drama was the result of the shameful manipulation of the natural emotions of her grieving parents by vultures who had no other motive but political or financial gain.

Meanwhile her husband was subjected to unbelievable and unconscionable slander.

Will there be any apologies from Congress or the other slimebags who shot their mouths off?

Don't hold your breath.

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