Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Well -yet another major celebrity has slipped through the long arms of the law. Micheal Jackson was found "weird but not sick" by a jury of his non-peers.

This prosecutor apparently had his legs cut out from under him when the 1993 case against Jackson was settled. That, from all accounts was the case that "had legs". He reportedly obsessed about that case afterward, and went on a worldwide search for other cases against Jackson -even traveling to Australia (a *local* prosecutor!) to chase down rumors of other victims.

From listening to the jurors, they simply didn't have enough evidence to convict beyond reasonable doubt. They also made it clear what a huge gaff it was to put the mother on the stand.

What surprised me was that they didn't even convict him of *attempted* lewd acts with a minor. Attempt requires planning plus a substantial step toward completion of the act, and a defendant does not have to be guilty of the completed act to be guilty of attempt.

I guess they didn't find the porno mags enough for "planning" (or didn't believe the testimony about the mags) and since they didn't find him guilty of giving the kids wine -that couldn't count for planning either.

On the other hand the not guilty for the conspiracy charges was no surprise: conspiracy requires 2 or more parties and from what (little) I heard there was no one who could be considered co-conspirator.

Have to say though -it sure seems like you can buy your freedom down here. OJ, Robert Blake, Scott Peterson, Jackson -sing it with me:

"One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn't the same..."

(hey what do you want -I have two kids under 3)

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