Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Well the 2004 kinder-gentler-compassionate-moderate convention got underway this week.

It amazes me how the press doesn't nail these liars more on this kind of crap. First we have the suspicious timing of Cheney's announcement the week before the convention that he disagrees with the president on amending the constitution to ban gay marriages -yeah Dick, how come you waited until a week before the party makeover to unleash this bombshell? Hmmm.

Then we have the parade of the moderates: Guiliani, Schwartzenegger, McCain, - hasn't anyone told these guys they're out of lockstep with the rest of the Born-agains?

McCain really disgusts me. There was a time (oh, say 4 years ago) when I said "well, I wouldn't vote for McCain but at least if he was president I could sleep at night". No more. McCain has shown that he's as spineless as the rest of the GOP. It takes a special kind of person to be able to campaign for someone who, when he opposed you 4 years prior, had the unmitigated gall to send people to call voters and insinuate that your adopted Bangladeshi-born child was actually the product of an illicit extramarital affair with an African-American woman. It takes a special kind of person to campaign for someone who never served in Vietnam himself, but 4 years ago at a fundraiser stood next to a man who accused you of selling out your fellow Vietnam Vets. It takes a special kind of person to campaign for a person whose minions insinuated that your wife had a drug problem. There are three words that best describe such a special person: Gutless, Soul-less, Sellout. But then again that's par for the course with these weasels.

Then we had Rudy-boy. Never mind the fact that no republicans would ever vote him into any place of respectability because he has a (to put it mildly) chequered past. This guy had the temerity to assert that he actually saw the jumpers from the towers and remarked "thank God George W Bush is president". This is the guy who brought his mistress to Gracie Mansion to shtup while he was having a nasty public separation with his wife. This is the guy under whose watch Amadou Diallo was shot 41 times because he was black and had a wallet. This is the guy whose police sodomized Abner Louima with a plunger handle. But no, he's trotted out as the Mayor of America to parrot all the GOP lies about John Kerry's senate record yet another time. You know them by now - the I voted for it before I voted against it crap. Anyone who's been paying attention (and, lucky for you, your own OP is obsessed with this stuff) can tell you that every republican on the hill voted against it before they voted for it -and ONLY voted for it when it would be paid for by loans. But will anyone in the "liberal media" call Rudy on it? Of course not. They know on which side the bread is buttered.

Speaking of calling people on things: I have a story for you. It's called "True Lies". On Tuesday the governator told the charming story of how he chose to be a republican because shortly after he arrived in America, he had a friend translate as they watched the Nixon-Humphrey presidential debates in 1968. According to Aaahhnold, Humphrey was espousing socialism (lie) -which he said he had escaped (in Austria?), and Nixon was for free trade etc. Arnold related that he said "If he's a republican, then I'm a republican". One small problem. NIXON AND HUMPHREY NEVER DEBATED. In fact Nixon had had his ass whooped so badly by JFK in 1960 that he never debated again! So will the liar-nator be called on it by the "press"? Don't count on it.

So now tonight Zell(out) Miller a "democrat" from GA will address the faithful congregation. Ever get the feeling that the GOP are afraid to say what they really think? Where's Trent Lott? Where's Bill Frist? Where's Tom "The Hammer" Delay? Where's gay-bashing Rick Santorum? Anyone read the party platform? Think it's consistent with the beliefs of the speakers so far?

So now you know why Cheney had to come out as a (not so) closet gay parent. Fits the theme.

I heard next week they're taking the show down the block to Broadway.

BTW don't forget about the "Great American Shout-Out" on Thursday as Bush takes the stage.


Anonymous said...

Posted on Wed, Sep. 01, 2004

Worth a debate? CNN misquotes Schwarzenegger on '68 remarks

By the Mercury News

Did he say it, or didn't he?

According to the Associated Press and guests on CNN's ``Larry King Live'' show, during his Tuesday night speech before the Republican National Convention, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he decided to become a Republican after watching Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon debate in the 1968 presidential election.

``Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air,'' Schwarzenegger said.

There's only one thing wrong -- Nixon never debated Humphrey.

According to the prepared text of Schwarzenegger's speech the passage was written, ``I remember watching the Nixon-Humphrey presidential race on TV . . .''

Mercury News reporter Jim Puzzanghera, who was in Madison Square Garden during Schwarzenegger's address and who taped the speech, said after reviewing the audiotape that the governor said ``race'' not ``debate.''

obssessiveprogressive said...

I see. So he was referring to watching the entire race, and having that same friend translate for him for the entire race?

Apparently the governator had someone tell him there were no Nixon-Humphrey debates after he first used this line of BS in CA.'s a nice soundbyte, and who in the Republican-owned media is going to call him on it?

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