Thursday, September 02, 2004


So apparently Aahhnold said he was watching the Nixon-Humphrey "race" not the Nixon-Humphrey "debate" as I stated in my last post. Mea culpa. Here's the transcript:

"I finally arrived here in 1968. What a special day it was. I remember I arrived here with empty pockets but full of dreams, full of determination, full of desire.

The presidential campaign was in full swing. I remember watching the Nixon-Humphrey presidential race on TV. A friend of mine who spoke German and English translated for me. I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism, which I had just left."
Well gosh, that's not what he said during the CA recall election, according to the Christian Science Monitor on 9/15/03. Moreover, according to the LA Times in RECALL NOTEBOOK / THE RECALL CAMPAIGN; The Curious Nixon-Humphrey Debate: Los Angeles Times, Aug 20, 2003. pg. A.18 (which I do not have permission to reprint so you're on your own) Arnold told Bill O'Lielly he was watching the Nixon-Humphrey "debate" in May of 2001. He said the same thing to Newsweek in 2003, and to the Republican National Convention in 2000.

But after he was called on it he started telling people he merely heard Nixon and Humphrey talking on TV. Aah yes the learning curve. Now he just says "race".

Apparently he even snowed CNN and conservatives at MSNBC who both mistakenly thought he'd said "debate". Guess it's just a knee-jerk reaction after having heard him say "debate" so often before.


After watching Zealot Miller last night I have an idea for a new Kerry campaign ad:

ANNOUNCER: The republicans and their friends are for a lot of things:

ZELL MILLER (edited): "The B-1 bomber!, The B-2 bomber! The F-14A Tomcats! The Apache helicopter! The Patriot Missile! The Aegis air-defense cruiser! The Strategic Defense Initiative! The Trident missile! I could go on and on!

ANNOUNCER: They're also against a few things:

MILLER AND CROWD: "Against! Against! Against! Against!"

ANNOUNCER: Against things like a balanced budget, restrained spending, creating new jobs, making a plan before making war, protecting the environment, and civil rights for all.

It's your choice America:

More expensive wars,

or a better America.

John Kerry believes America can do better.


Fair? Who gives a rat's ass? Think the GOP have been "fair" so far?

Ponder this:

Why was the most ostensibly hawkish person to speak at the RNC convention a "democrat"?

Because these guys know exactly who they are, and they're deathly afraid that the voters will find out too.

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