Friday, October 03, 2008


I stand corrected! I don't think that any reasonable interpretation of the debate last night could come to the conclusion that Sarah Palin won.

The short version is this: yes she was better than expected but, unfortunately for her, so was Biden, which means that on balance Obama wins, because it wasn't a game-changer, so Grampy continues his slide without anything intervening to prevent it.

The longer version is that Biden masterfully threaded the needle. As I last posted, Biden needed to follow Andrew Halcro's advice and respectfully ignore her. He played it exactly right and made his performance all about attacking McCain. She clearly didn't answer the majority of the questions -and even said outright that she wouldn't! In a debate!

Her performance consisted solely of giving speeches parroting talking points and peppered with attacks on Biden and Obama too obviously fashioned by her handlers. This meant that she (unsurprisingly) was unable to answer not only the questions put to her, but the major implied question of the night (and indeed the whole race for her): could she be president? Even the most positive reviews have to answer no to that question, and her performance did nothing to convince anyone otherwise.

Therefore, since Biden had a clear and facile command of the facts and was to all perceptions speaking from his OWN mind, the victory goes to Obama. Last night had to be a game-changer for McCain and it wasn't.


Sunday said...

Well said, my brother! HA! I have been so angry all day that ANYONE could have thought for a nano-second that the idiot won the debate. How can you win a debate when you don't answer a single question that is asked of you? She had some audacity to tell the person she debated & the moderator that she was not going to answer the questions the way they wanted. WTF?!

Anonymous said...

Right now I've got "Hardball" on in the background and they're going on about the scary detour she took when talking about the powers of the VP. I chuckled out loud when one of the guys said "you can pretty much bet that when someone opens a comment with praising the Founding Fathers they have no idea what they're talking about". ROTFL! I guess the good news is that it looks like she'll be the veep nominee all the way through (there was some rumour that the October surprise was that she'd be replaced at the end of the month). The longer she's in the race the batter IMHO.