Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Thank God that there are still a few honest members of Congress:

from via Eschaton

Kick her some cash if you can.

Adding -what exactly is this "700 billion dollars" figure based on? As far as I can figure it's pure conjecture amounting to nothing more than their asking for it. Why not as someone on the news said 75 billion with more to come if they need it and can justify it?

The reason is that the sober alternative presented by Rep. Kaptur above fails to accomplish their objective -breaking the government. As Grover Norquist is fond of splathering they want to shrink government to the size where they can drown it in the bathtub. They're running out of time to do that however so they're trying the nuclear option which will destroy any attempt to do anything that might actually help the American People.

This is a terrorist act. They simply don't get that we are the government and that any action that impacts us so dreadfully should be seen as a declaration of war. They should be tried for treason and put in f**king jail to rot.

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