Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Ok, so it's the morning after the Super Tuesday II hoohah. And the Oscar goes to...Hillary Clinton for "The Big Comback" MSNBC, CNN and Mark Penn producers.

To hear her tell it she's kicked Obama's ass and is "going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York … And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan, and then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White House! Yeeeeeeeearrrrrrhhhhh!!!"

Reality check folks -know how many delegates she picked up after last night?

...Drum roll please...

ONE. That's right -as of now- one. The delegate totals? 185 Clinton, 184 Obama.

To be fair she might pick up a couple more as the vote totals come in but regardless it's by no means a blowout, and without blowouts of the remaining states she can't possibly make up the gap she has now.

I think it's time for the gloves to come off. Ok, Ok, calm down -I don't mean that Obama should resort to the lowlife cheap shots she's leveled at him. But he definitely should start taking it to her with regard to her claims of "experience". First as to the amount of experience she claims she has (she says 35 years -that would mean every year since undergrad since she's 60) and then as to what she's labeling experience (First Lady? Governor's Wife? Rose Law Firm?) . Finally, he should hammer home the judgement her "experience" has produced as he's already been doing.

A comment at TPM calls her Iraq war vote into even greater question and totally kills the "I didn't know Bush was going to take the AUMF and actually attack Iraq" bullshit argument she's made.

She's even now saying that she'd entertain a Clinton/Obama ticket -with her at the top of course. How magnanimous "well I can't beat you, so how would you like to work for me?" This of course is after she claimed Obama is less ready to lead than McCain. If that's the case why would she want Obama as her second in command?

The only way I see a joint ticket happening is if she pulls waaaaaay closer in the delegate count and cuts the crap. Why should Obama agree as long as he wins in the delegate count? Plus she's not going to back off the BS any time soon because with this new burst of not entirely justified energy Mark Penn is going to take credit for the "victory" and claim it was a result of the negative press he created against Obama. She'll never drop Penn now, and he's the douchebag responsible for all the cheap shot attacks.

BTW they're now blacking Obama up in their ads -darkening his skin and widening the video to make his nose appear broader just like Time did to OJ.

This isn't going to get any better. And if Obama keeps going strong she's only going to hit harder and lower and in the process sever any possibility of a joint ticket.

Finally as I said at TPM:

I think back to a Thom Hartmann show from a few weeks ago live from the CPAC convention. He (or a guest I forget which) said that the booths there all had anti-Hillary bumper-stickers, t-shirts, buttons, posters etc. for sale whereas there was shockingly no anti-obama paraphenalia.

None. At all.

They can't wait to get their hands on her, and don't forget that the fact that they've done it all before also means that they've practiced it all before -i.e. the "research" is already done, formatted, packaged and awaiting distribution.

I don't agree that the longer this goes on the more the Dems can get their message out and keep McCain off the front pages. McCain's a known quantity and becoming moreso every time he embraces Bush or his policies. The American People know what they'll get with McCain, and frankly every time he speaks he just looks old and tired -that message is stark and clear. They think they know what they'll get with Hillary (though they don't), but the problem is they have yet to grasp what they'll get with Obama -and all the prolonged nomination process will do is give the wingnuts time to gear up against him, because he'll have to spend all his time fighting attacks from someone in his own party rather than putting his best foot forward.

Don't get me wrong -if by some miracle she gets the nomination I'll dutifully vote for her in the general, but she's making it increasingly more difficult for me to do so enthusiastically.

It's going to be a long seven weeks. *sigh*

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