Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Apparently John McCain, just like his overlords Bush and Cheney, doesn't understand the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims. And I'm not talking about their doctrinal or historical differences -he just doesn't get who's who:

(video from ABC news via Raw Story)

"it's common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran"

Common knowledge? That Sunni Al Qaeda is going into Shiite Iran and receiving training?

Gee who knew those Iranian Mullah's were so tolerant?

And leave it to good ol' GOP BFF Joe Lieberman to have to straighten out ol "straight talk"

One final thought: This is the man Hillary thinks has passed the CIC "threshold" and, along with her, has the experience to be president?

UPDATE (3/20/08): Apparently this wasn't simply a one time slip but McSkippy has repeated this both before and since this "slip".

UPDATE II (3/20/08): Also apparently CNN has been re-christened "McCNN". One of their reporters, Kyra Phillips, shamlessly repeats McBush's "gaffe" and tries to get Petraeus to comment on it:

(from TPM)

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