Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Tonight's Democratic primary debate in Ohio was typically contentious. Obviously Clinton is completely oblivious of the fact that she polls higher when she's more professional and gracious as she was at the end of the last debate. Her handlers are equally oblivious and have taken tens of millions of dollars from her supporters to make her look like a laughingstock.

Obama held up unsurprisingly well -even in the face of Tim Russert's ridiculous hypos about Iraq : "what if the Iraqi government says get out now, will you leave?" what utter shit, and slime about Ferrakhan "Ferrakhan supports you and he calls Judaism a 'gutter religion' therefore are you an antisemite too?" Outrageous. This is what passes for neutral moderation now.

Kudo's to Clinton for calling Russert on his BS hypotheticals:

MR. RUSSERT: I want to ask both of you this question, then. If we -- if this scenario plays out and the Americans get out in total and al Qaeda resurges and Iraq goes to hell, do you hold the right, in your mind as American president, to re-invade, to go back into Iraq to stabilize it?

SEN. CLINTON: You know, Tim, you ask a lot of hypotheticals. And I believe that what's --

MR. RUSSERT: But this is reality.

SEN. CLINTON: No -- well, it isn't reality. You're -- you're -- you're making lots of different hypothetical assessments.
Pretty good answers from both overall, however the most surprising moment IMO was in this exchange:

MR. RUSSERT: Before you go, each of you have talked about your careers in public service. Looking back through them, is there any words or vote that you'd like to take back? Senator Clinton.

SEN. CLINTON: Well, obviously I've said many times that although my vote on the 2002 authorization regarding Iraq was a sincere vote, I would not have voted that way again. I would certainly as president never have taken us to war in Iraq, and I regret deeply that President Bush waged a preemptive war, which I warned against and said i disagreed with.


But, to be clear, you'd like to have your vote back.

SEN. CLINTON: Absolutely. I've said that many times.

W-W-WHAT? She's said *what* many times? That her Iraq vote was a mistake and that she wishes she had it back? Really?

Gee that's the first time I've ever heard of her saying that! In fact that was my original reason for backing Edwards: that he'd had the guts to come out and say that he voted yes on the AUMF for Iraq and that it was a mistake whereas Hillary (until tonight anyway) hadn't.

Unbef**kinglieveable! How can she say that with a straight face? I mean credit where credit's due -she IS saying it now -but to say that she's said it many times?

Complete unadulterated horsesh*t.

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