Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It's my fault.

I shouldn't have endorsed John Edwards -how else to explain his dropping out of the race today??? ;-) Should'a kept my big "mouth" shut. *sigh*

Well now what to do?

I'm tempted to still vote for him on February 5th just to send a message to Hillary and Obama. The problem is, I've been historically against "message voting" because it was that practice that gave us Dubya to begin with:

The Nadir voters (and I misspell his name on purpose ) in 2000 threw the election to Bush an order of magnitude more than the SCOTUS -it shouldn't have even been close and wouldn't have been if the moronic message minded Nadir voters had pulled their heads out of their a**es and thought through what a W presidency would have meant. It's not as if the signs weren't there.

But I digress, this time around the "message" would be in a primary and wouldn't necessarily affect the general -except for the fact that I'm marginally more for Obama than for Hillary and if voting for Edwards handed CA to Hillary it would be wrong.

Look, if Hillary is the nominee I'll still hold my nose and vote for her in the general because her presidency would be fundamentally better than a McCain one, but I'd rather not if I didn't have to.

I guess I'll have to think about it more.

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