Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Apparently the Military of the United States of America has become the Military of the Republican Party.

From the "Support the troops" lipservice to the firing of all the generals and commanders who disagree with the GOP party line, to the latest wingnut smear-campaign against a troop who (pseudonymously) wrote about his experiences in Iraq and dared to show them in a less than glowing light (that's a euphamism -the phrase "skull jewelry" should give an inkling of what he wrote).

The military apparently leaked info about this troop to the Drudge report, that paragon of impartiality while they made liberal bloggers file a FOIA request to get the same information, though they deny it vehemently, which leads one to one of two conclusions:

1) that they were (gasp) lying (!) and did in fact leak the information to the wingnuts
2) that there was a SERIOUS security breach by CENTCOM.

neither of which make me feel warm and fuzzy.

Meanwhile (or as Python used to say "during the meanwhilst" Glenn Greenwald got an unsolicited and blathering email from General Petreaus' public affairs officer Colonel Stephen A Boylan because he dared to comment on the above leak. Weird enough, but then Boylan denies that he sent the email, though it came from the same server that sent "denial" email. When Greenwald asks what Boylan thinks about that, he says first that he was the victim of identity theft in Vermont (!?!?) and then says that what he's doing about it none of Greenwalds concern.

WTF is going on over there? Either the military is the victim of a sophisticated hacking attack which has the ability to convincingly spoof emails to seem that they come from military servers in Iraq (yikes), or more likely and more depressingly the military has fallen into the same hands as the now undisputably politicized Justice department.

Two of the government arms that are constitutionally mandated to remain non-partisan in order to preserve that quaint old notion of Justice for All have been infiltrated and commandeered by neocon pod-people.

Scared yet?

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