Friday, September 21, 2007


I've about had enough about this "MoveOn NYT ad" thing.

Aren't there a couple of more important things the senate should be concerned with? And honestly, the dem feeding frenzy is ridiculous -does it really matter if a few Democratic senators voted "yes" on a non-binding "sense of the Senate" resolution that means absolutely nothing? Seems to me it's a even sum game:

  • If they vote "no" they get hammered by the noisy right-wing money/press machine.
  • If they vote "yes" they get to hold it over the heads of the republicans when the elections roll-around and the GOP start bashing the democratic candidates.
  • Also they can say "Ok, whatever, you actually want to vote on this? Great. Let's pass it and then can we please debate something serious?"

The only way they lose is if the democratic voters take the bait and start condemning them for it -i.e. start eating their own, rather than just ignoring a meaningless resolution.

The only reason this is any controversy at all is that some smart-ass over at the MoveOn marketing department thought it would be catchy to print the phrase "General Betray-us".

It's not. It's juvenile sounding and invokes the language of schoolyard bullies. It also allows people to say that MoveOn is calling a decorated soldier a traitor. I know, I know "But OP -that's what THEY do all the time!" But the add would have been just as powerful (if not moreso) without that phrase. The addition of that phrase only weakens the ad because it makes fun of his name and not his actions/writings/credibility.

Kudos to MoveOn for getting the message out that Petraeus was a lackey, but next time get a proof reader or a marketing rep or whatever who understands the difference between name-calling and clever catch phrases that Move your message On.

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