Thursday, October 06, 2005


So Bush has put forth Harriet Meiers as his nominee to replace Sandra Day O'Conner on the SCOTUS. The consensus seems to be from both the left and the right that she's possibly the most "stealth" nominee anyone could have imagined, because she has no
"paper-trail", and that her resume hardly qualifies her for the position (her most formidable positions having been her election to head of the Texas State Bar and her time as head of the Texas Lottery.

I have one question:

Is she one of the top 9 legal minds in the country?

Ok that's unfair -I'll rephrase:

Is she one of the top 100?

Top 500?

If not, why are we even talking about her?

This is as I've said a LIFETIME POSITION on the most important court in the land and arguably the most important court in the world. What's she going to bring to it? Anyone? Anyone?

This is after all the woman who claimed that George W. Bush is the most brilliant man she's ever met. That alone should...oh let's be polite and just say "raise a few eyebrows".

My advice: ALL the senators on the Judiciary Committee should reject her, and tell Bush to stop kidding around and send them a serious nominee.

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