Monday, September 12, 2005


So Michael Brown has resigned his position as head of FEMA amid allegations that he'd padded his resume and was in fact wildly unqualified for any such position.

Enough? Face it folks -FEMA mismanagement cost lives here, plain and simple.

Ask yourself this: If you bought poor quality, inferior brakes and had them installed them in your car -knowing full well that they were poor quality inferior brakes- and then your car killed someone because the brakes failed and it couldn't stop -could you be prosecuted for negligent homicide?

How about this: if you put a loaded pistol in the hands of a 3-year-old and she then fired it, accidentally killing someone -could you be prosecuted for negligent homicide?

Bush appointed Michael Brown head of FEMA -the government body in charge of managing national emergencies- knowing full well that he was not qualified,and based solely on cronyism, and Brown took the position knowing the same, and his mismanagement resulted in deaths in the aftermath of Katrina.

Think they'll be prosecuted? Nope: IOKIYAR.

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