Thursday, July 07, 2005


Sympathies and condolences to the families of the dead and wounded from the bombings in London.

The messages from the right are typically appalling: a panel of dopes on Fox "News" gleefully recounted how the bombings bitchslapped the leaders at the G8 summit into dropping the AIDS, poverty in Africa, and Global Warming issues and bringing terrorism back to the fore. Others are using it to whip up more frenzied fear in the American electorate as a means of distracting from both the titanic failures and outright criminal and ethical violations of the Bush Administration and their supporters in the GOP.

Yes sh*theads -we know terrorism is still a threat. Duh.

If the British want to follow our playbook they should deploy to Northern Pakistan but leave before they get Bin Laden and withdraw to attack and (re)occupy India.

If anything this attack should prove just how little anything we've done has curbed that threat. By the way what have "we" done to "curb the threat"?
  1. Hunted down those who orchestrated the attack on us on 9/11 and then abandoned the hunt before they were captured.
  2. Waged an illegal war of agression with an enemy who had nothing to do with the attack on us and began an occupation of that nation for the forseeable future.
  3. Employed a vast army of "civilian" contractors who are subject to no laws on the planet to "support" that war effort.
  4. Created yet another bloated government bureaucracy -the DHS.
  5. Authored a statutory scheme that supresses the rights guaranteed to us in the Bill of Rights.
  6. Detained hundreds of people with no charges against them, and no access to courts of justice to determine their fate.
  7. Begun a policy of torture for those we've detained.
  8. There's more but do you really need it?

Has any of it made it one iota less likely that we'll have another terrorist attack?

Here's a scary anecdote: my neighborhood was lit up like the Tet Offensive with illegal fireworks this 4th of July. Illegal fireworks. That means that they had to come over the border from Mexico because those fireworks aren't made here. The LAFD complained that the amount of illegal fireworks this year was greater than at any year in the past.

What that means is that large numbers of illegal explosives are coming into the country over the border undetected, by customs, border patrol or stupid f*cking "Minute Men". The fact that they're for recreational or pyrotechnic use is irrelevant -they're expolsives, they're illegal and they're coming across undetected.

Feel safer?

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